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The electroencephalography laboratory at the University of Witwatersrand provides a space for individuals to conduct research using the EEG. The EEG is able to record electrical activity, which takes place within the brain, by using electrodes that are placed on the scalp.

The university makes use of equipment from Deymed Truscan.

Ms Enid Schutte

University of Witwatersrand

Ms Schutte's research interests lie in the cross cultural validity in neuropsychometric assessment; electrophysiological correlates of psychological phenomenon. She is a winner of the Vice Chancellors Teaching Award.


Enid Schutte

Ms Enid Schutte has taken to the role of Lab Leader for the EEG Lab. With over 40 years of experience under her belt, she has been a resource to other labs by offering up her vast knowledge on EEG methodology. 


Rice, J.,  Ferreira Correia, A. & Schutte, E. (2014). Attention and concentration functions in HIV-positive adolescents who are on anti-retroviral treatment. South African Journal of Psychology, 44, 467-482.


Whitaker, S. & Schutte, E. (2012) The cognitive profile of children treated with radiation for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. South African Journal of Child Health, 6 (4), 128-131.


Fry, J.D., Greenop, K. & Schutte, E. (2010) The effects of fatigue and the postconcussion syndrome on executive functioning in traumatic brain injury and healthy comparisons, Health SA Gesondheid15(1), Art. #541, 8 pages.DOI: 10.4102/hsag.v15i1.541


Skuy, M., Schutte, E., Fridjhon, P. & O’Carroll, S. (2001). Suitability of published neuropsychological test norms for urban African High school students in South Africa. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1413-1425.


Skuy, M.S. & Schutte, E.M. (1999) Validity of published neuropsychological test norms for urban black secondary school students., Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 5(4),  288.


Murdoch, B.D., Fleming, J.H., Skuy, M., Painter, A., Schmidt, L. & Schutte, E.M. (1994). Neuropsychological performance of a group of selected asymptomatic black South African children. Pretoria, South Africa: HSRC.

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